Version 2.5.0
Version 2.5.0
Remote Library
Alithya GoTest now supports the use of remote libraries.
This option is only available for admin users with the "Library Manager" role assigned to them, to know how to do this visit the page User Management.
To access this feature within Alithya GoTest, click on the main menu and then select Remote Library.
Skip Keywords
Alithya GoTest now supports the option to skip keywords from being executed within a testing step.
This option is also available for Combined Keywords.
To use this feature, individually select each keyword within your testing script you wish to have skipped and the click on the hallow like light bulb button in the keywords toolbar to have the selected keywords disabled.
Keywords selected to be skipped will appear grayed out.
To re-enable keywords that are marked to be skipped, simply select each of the keywords an then click on the filled light bulb button in the keywords toolbar to have the selected keywords re-enabled.
New Interface to Document a Project, Test Plan, Functionality, Scenario and Testing Step.
Every time a user wishes to add a new Project, Test Plan, Functionality, Scenario or Testing Step, a new pop up will appear for the user to document a project.
The same functionality is also carried over to the creation of Combined Keywords, User Variables and Remote Libraries.
See below an example of the new input pop up window.
A page describing additional functionalities for this feature will soon be available.
Link to Access Variable Definitions
Alithya GoTest now offers the option to go directly to a Variable Definition by clicking on a link displayed within the Scripting Page.
- First, click on the eye icon located next to the variable name inside your script.
- A pop up will appear listing the name of the variable in color blue and the variable's value.
Now users can click on the name of the variable in color blue and Alithya GoTest will bring them directly to the Variable Definition screen.
When multiple variables are in the same line of script, Alithya GoTest displays each variable name and value and each variable name is also clickable so the user can go to the variable definition of the variable clicked.
See screenshot below:
New Breadcrumbs and display of project level.
ALithya GoTest now displays the name of the Test Plan, Functionality, Scenario or Testing Step in the direct root link of the project.
While it previously it use to simply list "Test Plan, Testing Step, etc", it now it lists the actual given name to the testing step, see screenshot below.
Support for MySQL database connection
User of Alithya GoTest will now be able to connect to MySQL databases with the integration of this driver in Alithya GoTest.
Information for databases can be found here.
FTP Library
Alithya GoTest now supports the user of the FTP Library.
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