Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

 Can I test Mobile Apps with Alithya GoTest?
Yes, Native apps can be tested using the Alithya GoTest's Remote Library feature and web applications can be tested on a mobile device using Appium.
For details, please contact our service desk.
 How many keywords or libraries are available in Alithya GoTest?
There are currently 23+ different libraries and 1500+ different Keywords available to be used within Alithya GoTest.
  Does Alithya GoTest use all the various libraries and tools listed on the Robot Framework website?

Alithya GoTest should have all the same libraries that are available in Robot Framework. If, for any reason, there is a library you wish to use that is not available, you can simply submit a support ticket request through our service desk to have the specific library installed on your Alithya GoTest instance. 
  Does Alithya GoTest use all the latest versions of each library and tools listed on the Robot Framework website?
Alithya GoTest has the latest version of each of the libraries being used; this is something that we survey closely. If there is a specific library that you require, please inform us through our service desk and we will install it for you.
 Does Alithya GoTest support the concept of a breakpoint to break execution after a specific keyword executes?
No, at this moment this feature is not available. However, you can submit a Suggestion Ticket through our service desk, and we will add it to our user wish list.
 Is it possible to mark a keyword within a script or execution stage to be skipped?
Yes, this feature is now available as of Alithya GoTest version 2.5.0. To learn more, visit the Release Notes of this version.
 Why am I unable to see more spaces to add more arguments to my keywords?
Alithya GoTest immediately provides the minimum arguments needed for a keyword to be executed. However, it also allows users to insert more arguments whenever needed.
A good way to know how to make the most out of the scripting panel is to click on the question mark right next to the header "Keywords." You will identify it with the icon "?" in blue. Click on it to open the list of shortcuts and additional options available within the Scripting Panel of Alithya GoTest.
To insert an argument for a keyword you just added, press "Alt+i" and this will insert one more argument field right next to the one already provided when you input the keyword for the first time.
Use "Alt+d" to delete the argument field.
 Is it possible to integrate a specific library we have developed in Alithya GoTest?

Yes, there is an option to import custom libraries. However, for this to work, your library needs to have been developed on either Python or Java and follow the Libdoc standards from the Robot Framework described in the following document:
(There are links in this document that will take you to the implementation pages of libraries developed on Java or Python).
Consequentially, once the library is developed, it needs to be installed on the Alithya GoTest Server.
We can provide you with the proper standards and guidelines to do so and give you an example of this type of process.
As of version 2.5.0 of Alithya GoTest, there is a new feature called "Remote Library" that allows you to access libraries installed on other servers.
Additionally, with this new feature, Libraries developed in Python, Java, Ruby, .NET, Clojure, Perl, Node.js, and PHP can also be used by Alithya GoTest.
For more information about Remote Libraries or on how to develop custom libraries to use with GoTest, contact our service desk.

 How can I remove custom libraries from Alithya GoTest?

At the moment, we do not have a script to automate the removal of a library.
However, you can perform the following operations manually to remove it:
1.     cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/springboot-Alithya GoTest-extra-librarie-properties-file/_data/
2.     nano Alithya GoTest-additional-libraries.properties
3.     Remove the libraries not needed (The whole line)
4.     Save the modified file
5.     cd /opt/Alithya GoTest/docker/ct
6.     docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml restart
7.     Wait 2 to 5 minutes for Alithya GoTest to be operational again.

 Which libraries are supported by Alithya GoTest?
Alithya GoTest comes with most standard Robot Framework libraries, to get a full list of available libraries visit the page: Libraries
 Supported Browsers
Alithya GoTest supports the following web browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge. These are the web browsers that can be used to browse Alithya GoTest's web interface and are not to be confounded with browsers that can be used for test automation. When it comes to test automation, all main web browsers, including Internet Explorer and mobile browsers, are supported.
 When I change a keyword's name or combined keyword's name, will this change be applied to scripts that were using this keyword?
Yes, the change will be automatically applied to every instance of the keyword that was renamed. The only exception would be instances of the keyword that were used as arguments of another keyword, such as when using the keyword Run Keyword.
  Why can't I delete a project?
To delete a project, you need to make sure that no User Variables contained within the project are also being used in other projects. Otherwise, Alithya GoTest will not allow you to delete the project. Once you have made sure that no other project is using the same User Variables from the project which you wish to delete, then Alithya GoTest will allow you to remove the project.

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