Navigating the Interface

Navigating the Interface


The Alithya GoTest logo takes the user to the home screen from anywhere within Alithya GoTest.


Icons in Zone A, Sidebar

Component Library

Takes the user to the structure editor and administrator, where the components will be arranged for direct and intuitive access.
Using the filter, you can display the components and organize them by dragging them from one directory to another.
The following components are available:

  • Remote libraries
  • Datasets
  • Resource files
  • Combined keywords
  • Tag/Tags
  • Variables

Combined Keyword

The Combined Keywords button takes the user to the Combined Keywords editor and administrator.

  • When you rename a combined keyword, it is automatically reflected wherever it is used.
  • When creating a new combined keyword, it is crucial to add a very clear description, since it will be shown to the user if they use the F1 key on the combined keyword.
  • As many combined keywords as needed can be used inside another combined keyword.
  • The component library value will be set to root by default, but can be modified to store the combined keyword in a location that is aligned with the hierarchy you have put in place.
    Combined keywords allow you to "create" a new keyword by assembling many keywords. It eases the reading of the scripts since the combined keyword includes several instructions/validations that would have been displayed on as many lines.

List of variables

The User Variables button takes the user to the editor and administrator of user and system variables.
They are variables created by the users of Alithya GoTest. They are associated with a project or a subcomponent (Test Plan / Functionality / Scenario).
Users can use variables in the Step Keyword and Combined Keyword. From the Variables page, the user can easily locate all the places where a variable is used in their projects.
Finally, in the scripting steps area, the user can see the actual value attributed to specific variables by simply clicking on the "eye" icon.
Several types of variables can be created:

  • Basic variable
  • List variable
  • Dictionary variable
  • "Secret" variable. It is possible to select the "secret" option only for the basic variables. It is still possible to store secret variables in lists or dictionaries using the appropriate keywords.

    Once a variable is secret, it is not possible to "unmask" it. You will need to delete it and create a new one.
    How to create a variable

List of resource files

This functionality allows you to import files used in your Alithya GoTest projects without having to "map" drives or perform complex operations.
For example, SQL files can be imported to test your database more easily.

List of tags

You can create and assign tags to your scenarios.
During execution, you can select the tags you want to execute or exclude. This option is available for automatic, manual, and hybrid executions, launched via the user interface, the scheduler, or even via the public API.
Tags can also be used to categorize or identify scenarios. For example, using a "to be reviewed" tag to identify those who are subject to peer review.

List of datasets

Use the "Data Driven" feature to execute the same scenario multiple times, but with different data on each scenario execution.

List of remote libraries

To get started, you first need to make sure you have the proper user rights to access the Remote Library feature within Alithya GoTest.
The Remote Library concept means having test libraries on machines other than where Robot Framework itself is running.

Header Menu Bar

Icons in Zone B, Top Menu Header Bar


The "Dashboard" allows all users to view the execution results of test plans defined in the software. Because its features are used as monitoring and measuring tools, it is the opening page for users with a manager role.

Execution Console

Its main feature is a grid displaying every task that has been launched from the Editor page, for all manual and automated projects.



The "Projects" section gives you access to the editor, which has a static hierarchy that is accessible when selecting a project. The project hierarchy is composed of projects, test plans, functions, scenarios, and steps. Each is displayed as a quick access button at the top for easy navigation. To drill down in the hierarchy, just select an item from the list displayed.

Global Search

Allows you to search elements

Help and Support

Suggestions for improvements, Contact Support, Documentation, Public API Documentation, "About" information

Toolbox icon

Audit Log, Scheduler, System tools
Audit Log makes your life easier by allowing you to record all user changes, whether at the project level, keywords, a dataset and even libraries.
All changes are kept in a log indefinitely! Audits are also filterable based on the desired criteria!

User profile icon

Provides access to dark mode, profile settings, user management and logout functions

Sub Menu

MenuSub menuFunctionality

The audit log, which allows you to see the modifications made to the scripts.

Deletes executions if the server is full.*

Organize and schedule a script execution schedule.

Allows you to manage remote libraries for running tests on external test engines. (Add, Delete, Find Usage).*

Allows to download the Chrome Recorder Add-on 

*Access restricted to administrators and library managers.

Propose an improvement on Alithya GoTest

Access Alithya GoTest Technical Support - contact support for technical issues or suggestions

Access Alithya GoTest online documentation

Access the Alithya GoTest Public API online documentation

Display information about the version of Alithya GoTest and its libraries.

Switch to dark mode

Change connected profile settings

User Management

Exit the application by logging out

Buttons and Icons


The Add button is used to add a component: a project, test plan, feature, scenario, or test step.


Allows you to start an automatic test.

Hybrid test

Allows you to identify hybrid tests in grids and start a hybrid test.

Manual test

Allows you to identify manual tests in the grids and start a manual test. In the execution screen, it allows you to restart a paused manual test.


Continue Later

Allows you to pause a manual test.


Allows you to stop a manual test.

Execution Log

Allows you to access the execution log.

Contextual menu

Displays the list of possible actions on the row where the button is located, or for a set of selected rows when the button is located in the table header row.

Keyboard shortcuts

In the Step Editor section, this icon appears above the grid and displays the list of shortcuts.

Keyword F1 Help

While editing or hovering over the keywords of a test, the F1 key on the top-left of your keyboard can be pressed to show more information.

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