
Before going into the functional and technical description of Alithya GoTest, it is important to explain the idea and philosophy that led us to develop this solution. This section of the document focuses on the two main concepts that are put forward with Alithya GoTest, namely measurement and orchestration. 

Measurement, a Traditional Concept 

During the life of a project, it bodes well for the client and managers to have an overview of the development progress, as well as the quality of the application. This is possible thanks to the Alithya GoTest dashboard, which displays the percentage of test automation. The user guide will explain in more detail all the functionalities of the dashboard. 

Orchestration, the Second Major Concept Put Forward 

What is automated test orchestration? Today, we are all aware of the multiple benefits of implementing automated tests. Their benefits in the life cycle of an application are no longer to be demonstrated. If you are reading this right now, you are aware of this and know about manual test automation, right?

 Automated tests?

You have automated tests to test specific aspects of your platform. You have built-in tests that run in your test environment. You have tests for your graphical interfaces, whether with Selenium IDE, Web Driver, or others. You may also have in-house tools for some application layers. So, everyone tests “their part of the application” unitarily, and integrated testing ensures that application services work across layers and versions. 

We pause here to congratulate you. Although it may seem trivial and obvious, companies whose teams reach this stage in the development of their applications are still too rare these days.  

 Let’s Get Back to Our Tests
At this point, you think you have everything you need to ensure the quality of your system. Let us humbly say that you are not quite right. Indeed, all the little bits are tested, but that does not mean that the functional process, or the business process, is tested and works as a whole. Let’s take as an analogy a team of mechanics. Each mechanic is responsible for a part or part of the engine. Everyone has worked perfectly on their side and is certain that they will give the group an infallible part, which, once assembled with the rest of the engine, will enable incredible performance. However, once the parts are assembled, the team realizes that the rates are not synchronized and that the unbalanced motor does not provide the expected results. After discussion, the team understands that one person is missing who should ensure that the entire assembly is consistent. 
 The Role of Alithya GoTest

This is the role that Alithya GoTest fulfills. It ensures that the business process works as a whole, from end to end, according to the “end-to-end process” principle. Today’s IT systems can be complex, and parts of business processes often reside on different servers that require different actions to be tested. Let us take the concrete example of the registration of a new customer. First, there is the user interface that allows the registration, the validation of the form, the call to the registration service, the verification that the client does not already exist, and then the writing in a database. During this process, there is usually a validation email or a registration confirmation email that is sent. One can certainly assume that a process is called upon afterwards to produce a report or an invoice. All these elements require data preparation to test all possible scenarios. Whether the test starts from the GUI or the business layer, it is clear here that a built-in test that verifies that the call to the enrollment service worked is not sufficient to guarantee that the invoice will be produced in the billing system once the customer has enrolled. The complete testing of the business process, therefore, requires a series of steps. Based on this philosophy, Alithya GoTest provides you with a series of steps to break down the process into keywords. The realization of each step requires one or more specific actions. The user guide will guide you through this process. All you have to do is link each “action” to the corresponding test script. 

Alithya GoTest will orchestrate all these steps by executing them one after the other to guarantee the expected quality, day after day thanks to your continuous integration process. Should a regression occur, it will be detected and reported for immediate action. A cost-effective, efficient, and repeatable guarantee! 

 Three big steps

The orchestration of automated tests is done in three main steps: 

  • Data preparation; 
  • Test execution; and 
  • Presentation of consolidated results within the same continuous integration process. 
 The Added Value of Alithya GoTest

We strongly believe that the added value of Alithya GoTest lies in the fact that all disciplines involved in the project can collaborate through a single, centralized system. Managers have a tracking and measurement tool, QA analysts and business analysts have a scalable system documentation tool, and the development team has a live and executable specification tool. It is, therefore, possible to deliver added value to your customer with the guarantee that their critical processes are tested as a whole. 

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In Summary 

Alithya GoTest is an innovative software solution that allows you to orchestrate automated tests of different tools and analyze their results throughout the life cycle of your applications. Used to guarantee the quality of their applications (new or existing) and to test their functionalities on any type of platform and in any language, it allows them to maximize the value of their investments and to realize considerable savings in time and money. 

Ready to orchestrate your own tests? 

Find out how to perform your first test in 5 minutes! 

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Legend and Navigation: getting to know Alithya GoTest 

Legend and Navigation  

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