Custom Reporting and Dashboards
The Rapid QA dashboard provides dynamic insights into your automated testing activities. Customized for each user, it offers an overview of test scenario statistics and detailed information on test performance and results.
Access and Navigation
To access the dashboard, simply click on the "Dashboard" icon in the header bar.
If you haven't created a dashboard yet, a prompt will ask if you want to create one with default settings or configure it manually.
If you choose to create a dashboard with default settings, you will only need to select the project on which to base the dashboard. A name, a selection of metrics, and a time period will be chosen for you, but you can adjust them later.
Dashboard Components
Dashboard Menu Bar (Area A):
Add a new dashboard via the "Add" button.
Export all your dashboards using the "Export" button.
Use the filter menu to select which dashboards you want to display.
Dashboard Information Bar (Area B):
The edit menu (represented by three dots) allows you to modify, duplicate, export, or delete a dashboard.
The dashboard name is displayed.
The project’s name the dashboard is based on is also shown.
On the far right, you will see the period covered by the dashboard.
Dashboard Metrics Area (Area C):
This area displays data for all the metrics you have chosen. Each metric is presented in its own box, with:
An icon indicating if the metric is related to editing, execution, or defect.
The name of the metric.
An information icon to understand the meaning of the metric.
The metric itself, in the form of data, charts, or a list of information.
Creating a Dashboard
Creating a dashboard is always done for a specific project. Note that each dashboard is user specific. If you create one, your colleague will not be able to access it and will need to create their own dashboard.
Steps to create a dashboard:
Click the "Add" button in the dashboard menu bar to open the creation panel on the right.
Choose a title for your dashboard.
Select the project for which you want to obtain data.
Choose the desired metrics.
Select the period (it can be fixed or custom).
Finally, click the "Save" button to create your dashboard.
List of Metrics
Nb of Scenarios: Displays the number of available scenarios at the end of the selected period, whether automatic or manual, regardless of their status or state.
Execution Type: Groups scenarios based on the type of execution at the end of the selected period (automatic or manual).
Nb of Skipped Scenarios: Shows the number of scenarios marked as ignored at the end of the period, regardless of the feature status.
Most Associated Tags: Lists the tags most associated with scenarios during the selected period (maximum of 50 tags).
Jira Requirements: Displays the number of Jira requirements linked to scenarios at the end of the period (feature requirements are ignored).
Nb of Executed Scenarios: Displays the number or percentage of scenarios executed during the selected period.
Scenario Results: Provides the overall result of all scenarios executed during the period, regardless of the level (test plan, feature, or scenario).
Scenarios Not Executed since: Lists the scenarios that have not been executed since the end of the period (maximum of 50 scenarios).
Top 5 Most Failed Scenarios: Displays the scenarios most often failed during the period.
Top 5 Longest Scenario Executions: Lists the scenarios with the longest execution time (in minutes) during the period. If execution takes less than a minute, one minute will be displayed by default.
Top 5 Most Executed Tags: Shows the tags most used in executions during the period.
Nb of Defects: Displays the number of defects associated with scenarios at the end of the period, regardless of the defect status.
Defect(s) Status: Groups defects based on the type of status at the end of the period.
Drilling Down Data
When creating the dashboard, the first view you get is at the project level. You can drill down the data to the functionality level. To do this, go to the bottom of the dashboard and click on the "Test Plan" button if you are at the project level.
When you reach the test plan level, a dashboard for each test plan in your project will be displayed. You will see the same metrics as those selected at the project level.
Once at the test plan level, you can decide to drill down to the functionality level of a test plan. As before, go to the bottom of the chosen test plan dashboard and click on the "Functionalities" button. You will then have a dashboard for each functionality of this test plan.
Exporting a Dashboard
To export a dashboard in Excel or PDF format (at the project, test plan, or scenario level), follow these steps: access the menu via the three dots and select "Export." Then choose the desired format for your data, and the file will be downloaded to your computer.
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