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Version 3.0.8 (2022/07/01)

Improvements and new features


Version 3.0.8 contains some new features and many updates. Among the additions, we have completely redone the manual tests screen and we have added a filter for keyword libraries in order to better target the types of tests. In major updates, Robotframework update to version 5.0.1 adds a lot of new keywords related to condition, error and loop handling in scripts. The update of the Selenium library to version 6.0 opens the doors to Selenium Grid 4.0 and several new features to come. Finally, the library used for the grids has been changed to improve its performance when the lists exceed several pages of content.

Improvements and Additions


nameGoTest Version 3.0.8 EN.mp4

Library filter

The scripting and keyword creation pages have been modified to add a filter on the different libraries available. These libraries are grouped in a functional hierarchy which makes it possible to select at once all the libraries for a certain type of test at the same time. This will make it easier to find and use the mumerous keywords available in GoTest and prevent mistakes made when selecting keywords from the wrong library.

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New Keywords

With the update to Robot Framework 5.0.1, several keywords have been added allowing better control of loops and script execution flows. In addition to the new keywords, it is now possible to nest FOR loops and new keywords when applicable.

  • IF 
  • ELSE 
  • ELSE IF 
  • TRY 
  • WHILE 
  • BREAK 
  • SKIP
  • SKIP IF 

For more information see the Robot Framework Release Notes.

Improved grid performance

Several grids have been migrated to a more efficient library in order to prevent delays or display problems when several thousand lines are displayed. The change is imperceptible. The new grids have the icons for the filter and the order of the columns reversed.

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Changes to the librairies that will impact GoTest


  1. Select Window
  2. Locator Should Match X Times


  1. String.Should Be Unicode String
  2. JsonValidator.Element Should Exist
  3. JsonValidator.Element Should Not Exist
  4. JsonValidator.Select Elements
  5. ImapLibrary2.Mark As Read
  6. ImapLibrary2.Open Link From Mail
  7. ImapLibrary2.Wait For Mail
  8. BuiltIn.Run Keyword Unless
  9. SeleniumLibrary.Press Key
  10. RequestsLibrary.Delete Request
  11. RequestsLibrary.Get Request
  12. RequestsLibrary.Head Request
  13. RequestsLibrary.Options Request
  14. RequestsLibrary.Patch Request
  15. RequestsLibrary.Post Request
  16. RequestsLibrary.Put Request
  17. RequestsLibrary.To Json

Eventually be deprecated

  1. BuiltIn.Continue For Loop
  2. BuiltIn.Continue For Loop If
  3. BuiltIn.Exit For Loop
  4. BuiltIn.Exit For Loop If
  5. BuiltIn.Return From Keyword
  6. BuiltIn.Return From Keyword If